babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

Tips For Nursing Baby

For some new mothers, breastfeeding a newborn can feel like a seamless and instant bond between mother and baby. For many it’s a daunting and frustrating step into new unknown territory. Babies, unfortunately, still don’t come with instructions, but in this article you’ll find a few tips gathered from experts to make preparing for nursing a little easier.

Nursing and New Mothers’ Health -

It’s usually suggested that a mother nurse her baby for about nine months, unless it’s impossible for her to do so. To take care of someone else, you have to take care of yourself; so good health of the mother is imperative for nursing.

Postpartum mental health is just as important as physical health for nursing moms and babies. Making a moderate exercise and wellness regimen is a great way to give structure to your new life as a mom, while helping you stay fit. It’s okay to give into cravings, but be sure to eat plenty of wholesome, nourishing foods. Dairy is particularly valuable when nursing, so consider adding milk, puddings, or yogurts to your diet if you don’t already consume dairy.

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