babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

Jenna Gleason

Jenna is a staff writer and production assistant at Creative Child Magazine. She is currently attending University of Nevada - Las Vegas.

Articles by Jenna

Top Baby Names For 2016!

From Cora to Asher, our picks for the most popular boys and girls names are quite different than last years. Which names sound both adorable for a 2016 baby and seem most likely to serve them well into the 22nd century? Check out the list below!

Cute Ways To Tell Your Husband You're Pregnant

Finding out you are pregnant is exciting, and sharing the news with your partner is a big deal. But how? If you want your pregnancy news to be sentimental or fun, we’ve got you covered. Check out these creative ways to tell your partner you’re pregnant!

15 Baby Shower Ideas

Baby showers are meant to be fun and festive! Check out these ideas for the ideal party, whether you are panning one for a friend, family or co-worker!

10 Adorable Sleeping Babies

We have all heard the phrase “sleep like a baby”, but have you ever really looked at babies while they sleep? Here are some funny and adorable images of babies in their slumber!

10 Boys Nursery Themes

Are you having a baby boy? Everything in your baby’s room doesn’t have to be blue. Check out these awesome nursery ideas for the little bundle of joy to arrive!

10 Girls Nursery Themes

Are you having a baby girl? Everything in your baby’s room doesn’t have to be pink and lace frills. Check out these awesome nursery ideas for the little bundle of joy to arrive!

10 Baby Faces You Just Can’t Resist

What can make you smile more then an adorable baby face? Check out these 10 baby faces you just can’t resist!

20 Things to Wear When Pregnant

When you are pregnant, finding clothes that fit, make you feel good, help support a growing belly, and have some style can be a challenge! We have rounded up 20 looks for the mom-to-be for every season and more!

20 Adorable Holiday Outfits for Baby

Try out these cute looks for your baby during the holidays!
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