babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

11 Superb Spring Sensory Bins for Babies and Toddlers

by Rebecca Eanes


6. ABC Creative Learning has another great Easter-themed bin which includes Easter grass, colorful buttons, plastic vegetables and eggs, and a magnifying glass! I love the addition of the magnifying glass. That’s smart!

7. Momma’s Fun World shows us how to make an insect sensory bin! Eww! Gross! But so cool. Don’t worry. They’re not real insects! Whew! You’ll need some play sand, a magnifying glass, some plastic insects from the dollar store, and a bug catcher kit is optional and usually found at the dollar store this time of year.

8. Teaching 2 and 3 Year Old's has several spring sensory bins on her site, but my favorite is the frog bin! Add water, plastic frogs, rocks or pebbles, foam lily pads, and plastic tweezers. Kids love playing in bins of water. Place a couple of towels underneath if you’re using them indoors.

9. Mama Papa Bubba had a great idea with this outdoor dishwashing station. What kid doesn’t like to play in foamy bubbles? And this provides a fun experience while learning an important skill – dish washing! Make this with a bin filled with warm soapy water, dish drying rack, plastic dishes, cups and spoons, scrubber pads, and a dish brush. What’s not to love?

10. Little Bins for Little Hands made a colorful craft sand bin that has all of my favorite components. Sand, scoopers, and funnels! Add some pony beads to boot, and this is great fun. Sand-filled bins are best kept outdoors in my humble opinion because, you know, sand in carpet and tile grout isn’t fun.

11. Where Imagination Grows made a great water bead sensory bin. My kids used to love playing with water beads and I bet they still would! I think they’re pretty fun myself. She uses this bin with a light table but I’m sure this would be loads of fun without the table if you don’t have one. She used water beads, plastic flowers, tongs, and a sink strainer along with containers for sorting.

Rebecca Eanes is the bestselling author of multiple books including Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide, The Positive Parenting Workbook, and The Gift of a Happy Mother. She is the grateful mom of two boys. 


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