babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

Medication and Pregnancy

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It’s common to feel as though you’re asking a stupid question when you’re visiting a doctor—pregnant or not—but health is more important than pride. See if you can optimize your health ahead of time instead of going into conception blind.

Finally, always check things out with a doctor, pharmacist or a qualified practitioner before you use any aromatherapy treatments, homeopathic remedies or massage oils. The key here is to ask first about safe medications during pregnancy. 

If you’re lucky, your pregnancy will impact your daily life on only a minor scale in the months leading up to your due date. If you’re like most of us there will be some really hard days. When the nausea and back pain and sleeplessness are weighing you down, remember that the sacrifices you make today will all be worth it when you welcome that baby into the world and hold them in your arms.

By the way, pregnancy isn't all about morning sickness and back pain. Check out these 11 Fun things to do when you're pregnant, too!

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