Q: You’re a mom of all boys, how is it being a #boymom?
A: We have four boys. They are rough, tough, play in the mud, ruin clothes kind of boys. They think farting is hilarious and anything dealing with bugs and poop is totally acceptable dinner conversation. You have to let them, they're only little for a short time.
Q: Do you sometimes secretly want a girl?
A: Our fourth try was for a girl. I just always assumed I’d have a daughter. After all, I was one of three girls and I never really knew (and therefore expected) anything different for my own family. As a mother of boys, I have had to rewrite life journey to include sons versus daughters. Over the past few years I have tried to come to terms with my feelings.
Q: What do you like the most about being a mom of 4 boys?
A: Boys are sweet, and love a good snuggle. After a certain age, they try to pull away and only give you a quick hug, so always be willing to give them a hug and a kiss when they are ready. Boys are very attached to their mama, I feel like I’m their queen. It’s so sweet.
Q: Best advice for moms expecting boys?
A: Put away all of the breakable home decor!