babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

Pregnancy Journals and Activity Books

Pregnancy Journals and Activity Books

Early Years is a guided journal created to encourage parents to record the first years of their child’s life. A smaller, complementary notebook is also included to record events and jot down stories as they happen. Capture those delightful moments, the fun times and note-worthy happenings of the first five years of childhood. Once the memories are recorded for your little one to reminisce upon, Early Years can be cherished for years to come!

Making Me: The Pregnancy Activity Book for My Big Brother or Sister is designed especially for the Big Sibling to-be! Children are able to track the days to baby brother or sister’s due date with the Countdown Car, see how big baby is with the Mighty Measuring Tape, and learn about the little bundle as it grows and develops every day. Big kids have fun doing daily activities for the full nine months while mom is pregnant.

Pregnancy Journals

Journaling is such a useful life skill and with these Pregnancy Journals and Activity Books you can document life’s adventures, daily emotions and best of all, share them with your family. Enjoy the experience of journal writing and start putting your pen to paper!

Visit these websites for more Pregnancy Journal ideas and gifts!

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