We recently sat with Julie, mom to 6 year old Geneviéve, who is excited or her a little sister to arrive.
Q: How far along are you in your pregnancy?
A: I am currently 14 weeks and due January 31st 2021.
Q: You work in public health, are you exposed to patient during this pandemic?
A: I am a registered respiratory therapist. I work in home care, therefore I travel to my patients home and give them respiratory care. So my day starts off by getting to the office and taking a look at my workload and seeing who needs to be seen. I then start calling my patients and letting them know I will be in to see them. I give them advice on how to take care of their respiratory health such as; quitting smoking, taking their inhalers properly, making sure they are using their oxygen correctly and answering their health questions.
Q: What extra precaution do you need to take at work due to the pandemic and
your pregnancy?
A: I have to call every patient before I visit to make sure they have no symptoms of COVID-19, if they do I am not able to visit them until they have had a test and it comes back negative. I also wear a mask for every visit I do, and I ask my patients to wear one as well.
Q: How is this pregnancy different from your first one?
A: This pregnancy is a bit different since I have the extra precautions that I need to take at work. If we have a second wave of COVID-19 in our region I might not be able to work since I have considered at risk because I am pregnant. As for changes with giving birth I am trying to not dwell on it right now as it’s still a few months away and I am trying to take it one day at a time and going with the flow.