babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

What to Expect for Baby's First Summer

by Jenna Gleason

Summer. The season can be described by an adult as hot weather, vacations and sunny days. For a kid, it’s the best time of the year. School’s out and playtime begins. But what about from a baby’s perspective? How do they see summer? What are some activities for babies in the summer?

0-4 Months Old:

For the first 4 months of life, babies see in black and white and shades of grey. There is a possibility they see brighter colors and primary colors such as red or blue, but the majority of their sight is like an old 50’s TV show, except blurry. So, what’s fun to do when you're seeing black and white everywhere?

Well, one sense that babies do have in the first couple weeks of life is a sense of touch. Newborns are known to be able to decipher texture and weight in objects that they touch. For a fun summer activity, you can introduce your newborn to new textures and objects with various weights.

Bubble blowing is a must. It’s a great experience for babies to see and touch the bubbles and it's an activity you can do to improve their motor skills. One of the most popular summer activities is swimming because water is one of the greatest mysteries of the world! A safe way for your baby to explore could be in the kiddie pool at the waterpark or even a baby pool in your backyard.

4-6 Months Old:

When your baby is around 4 to 5 months old they start to see color. They are also touching all that they can reach and seeing objects as far away as 10 feet by 6 months. Now life looks like a Disney movie and babies are exploring everything. Outdoor play is fun now that tummy time and sitting up are easier! Take a blanket out to the backyard and give baby some fun toys to play with. Include great activities for babies like peek-a-boo and number games, too!

During this stage your baby is loving movement and sound. Pick an activity that incorporates all of the senses! Try taking your baby for a nature walk, going to the park, or even taking him or her on a picnic.  

6 Months and Up:

Options such as going to the aquarium, a trip to the circus, a fair, or the a zoo would all be fun for both baby and parents. For a more productive activity with the family, go shopping at the mall or to an outdoor shopping center and wear your baby in a carrier. By this age they can see colors, shapes, movement and they have depth perception. Set up a play date with some friends and help your baby adapt to playing and interacting with other infants on the same level.

For a rainy day indoors, explore with chalk, paint, playdough, or slime. (All of which should be safe for baby and non-toxic). Try searching Pinterest for some edible versions and homemade recipes.

As the summer months pass your baby is growing and improving their motor skills every day. Try doing some of these activities to help advance their development and enjoy all of “baby’s firsts”. Maybe this is the month they will say their first word or the first time they stand up on their own. Enjoy this first summer the most you can and record every moment because it will soon be over. You won’t want to miss any second of it.

Wanting more advice on how to spend time with your baby? Check out The Best Child Development Tools and Toys which include great activities for babies!

Jenna is a staff writer and production assistant at Creative Child Magazine. She is currently attending University of Nevada - Las Vegas.

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