babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

When Your Best Doesn’t Feel Like Enough

Parents want to do the best they can when it comes to their kids. The majority of our time and effort goes towards supporting and taking care of their children. We work hard to make sure our kids are happy and healthy. Why do we often end up feeling like our best efforts still aren’t enough? Here are some tips that can change your perspective and help you realize that you are enough for your kids.


Stop the comparisons

The biggest trap parents fall into is comparing yourself to others. This is unfair because no two parents are the same and no family situation or child is the same. What works for you may not work for another family and each family’s values, dynamic, and interests are different. Because of this, comparisons are not worth worrying over. In the age of social media, it can be hard not to think everyone has a picture-perfect life but it’s important to remember that social media only shows you a picture, often staged and filtered, and is not a true reflection of their daily lives.

Reality check

Sometimes we all need to give ourselves a reality check. Remember, all siblings have conflict, all kids throw tantrums, all houses get messy, and all parents get tired. Things are never perfect for anyone. It is wise to remember this when you start to get down about a situation that is making you feel like you aren’t enough. Reaching out to a friend, you will often that they too experience similar situations.  It is nice to have the commadary that comes from knowing that they are experiencing the same battles in their life too.

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