babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

P'kolino Book Buggee

by P'kolino™

P'kolino Book Buggee

The P'kolino Book Buggee is a fantastically fun way to make books a part of your childʼs everyday play. This fun-loving friend helps introduce and develop a playful bond with books through the self-directed acts of selecting, loading and pulling books and other treasures. This incorporation of books into play helps nurture a childʼs love for books.

In addition to the P'kolino Book Buggee being super cute, it is also ergonomically designed for easy use. The "V" shaped book holders are wider at the top for easy loading and unloading and narrow at the bottom to hold the book in place. With four book holders and plenty of "head" room for other treasures, see how much you can fit into your Book Buggee!

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