babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

Allie Garcia

Allie Garcia son yedi y?ld?r özel e?itim alan?nda ö?retmen, ak?l hocas? ve çevrimiçi e?itmen olarak çal??t?. Özel e?itim alan?nda yüksek lisans derecesine sahiptir ve Clark County Okul Bölgesi'nde Y?l?n Yeni Ö?retmeni ödülüne lay?k görülmü?tür. Ocak 2014'te bebe?i Mila Skye'nin do?umuyla hayat? sonsuza dek de?i?ti. Allie ço?u gün Henderson, Nevada'da çocuk bezi de?i?tirirken, mutfakta dans partileri verirken ve tatl? kocas? ve ç?lg?n köpek yavrusu ile yürümeye ba?layan çocuk maskaral?klar?na gülerken bulunabilir.

Articles by Allie

To the Father of My Children

To the Father of My Children...Its not that I didn’t adore you in the days before co-parenting with you- those years of growth challenged us and prepared us for the events that were to come as we brought life into the world and nurtured that life as partners.

Three Things I Wish I Had Known Before Becoming a Parent

Making the decision to become a parent is both exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. When and how you decide can be an amazing journey. Here are 3 things to consider and what I wish I had thought of before becoming a parent.

Teething: Do’s and Don’ts

Teething can be one of the most trying times of early parenting - but it doesn’t have to be! There are tried and true methods all over the internet for relieving teething pain, many of which come from doctors or are basic, textbook solutions. Try these teething do's and heed the don'ts!

How I Bonded With My Baby Before She Was Born

Pregnancy is different for all mothers-to-be. Read these 5 Tips to bond with your baby before birth.

The One Baby Item That I Could Not Live Without

Like many new moms, I spent countless hours in the early months of my first pregnancy researching the most essential items for my new baby. The one item I needed the most? A baby carrier designed for baby wearing.

5 Ways To Feel At Home During Your Hospital Birth

When it came time to choose a place to give birth to my first baby, I knew that I wanted her to be born in the comfort of my home, with a full medical staff and all potential necessary medical equipment. Since this was not an option, and we don’t have a birthing center in our state, I had a decision to make - do I attempt to have a home birth, or do I give birth in a hospital?

25 Songs for Labor and Delivery

I began creating a birth playlist long before I found out that I was pregnant. When the two pink lines finally appeared, I went straight to work researching songs and thinking about what I would want to hear during labor and while giving birth.
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