babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

Celebrate Earth Day with These Eco-Friendly Products

Baby in Cotton SwaddleIt takes a lot of effort for consumers to make eco-friendly choices all of the time. And let’s face it, we’ve all made convenient choices when running short on time, money, or energy. In honor of Earth Day, we’re highlighting a few environmentally conscious companies and products that are also consumer friendly for parents and their little ones.

Kanga Care Cloth Diapers

Diapers are one of the most costly recurring expenses for new parents. They also pile up rather quickly. On average a baby goes through 5,000 to 8,000 diapers from infancy to potty-training, with disposable diapers representing 30% of all non-biodegradable waste. Kanga Care cloth diapers are a super cute alternative to disposable diapers that help curb the rate of non-biodegradable waste. Not only does switching from disposable to cloth diapers positively impact the Earth, but it's also cost-effective for consumers and offers greater variety in terms of color and style options. Check out Kanga Care's awesome catalog at

Kanga Care Cloth Diapers

bloom Baby Sensitive Wipes

Much like diapers, baby wipes are frequently used products that can really drain a parent’s bank account and the Earth’s natural resources. Many wipes also carry some ingredients that are particularly friendly to the environment. Bloom Baby wipes are biodegradable and produced with 100% wind energy, so they are truly eco-friendly from creation to disposal. To find out more about bloom Baby wipes, visit Baby wipes

My Boo and You Organic Cotton Onesies & Tees

Comfort, fit, and style are the most immediate things we take into consideration when shopping for clothes. My Boo and You baby clothing company also takes the origins of our clothing’s materials into consideration, making 100% organic cotton onesies and tees for babies and children up to 6 years of age. Organic cotton is growing in popularity because it requires less water and no pesticides to produce. My Boo and You clothing also come in 100% recyclable packing material and feature tags that can be re-purposed as flower seeds you can plant! For more information about My Boo and You's sustainable baby apparel, visit mybooandyou.comMy Boo and You Onesie

Lorena Canals Rugs

European household name in designer furniture, Lorena Canals Rugs has expanded sales to share their Spanish-designed eco-friendly nursery décor with American parents. Lorena Canals Rugs celebrate Earth Day everyday with rugs that are as gorgeous as they are practical, safe, and eco-friendly. You know that ‘new carpet smell’ you notice with most synthetic rugs? They contain VOCs, which can contribute to health issues including allergies and nausea. Most synthetic rugs are also backed with a latex mix containing styrene, which is a possible human carcinogen. While many rugs are treated with stain protectors, fire retardants and moth-proofing insecticides, Lorena Canals rugs are handmade in India using all non-toxic dyes and 100% natural raw materials. As if that wasn’t awesome enough, the rugs are incredibly stylish and machine washable. To see the full Lorena Canals Rugs (and pillow) catalog, visit Canals Rugs Butterfly

Whether parents' pantries and closets are already stocked with biodegradable organics or they're simply transitioning to a few more eco-friendly practices, there are accessible items on the market for everyone to appreciate these days. With a few of these environmentally friendly products on hand, everyday will begin to look a lot more like Earth day.

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