babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

To the Father of My Children

by Allie Garcia


I wondered what our life together would look like when we had children after so many years of it being just the two of us. I wondered if we would feel overwhelmed and lose the “us” that we had worked so hard to create.

I realized very quickly that “us” is so much richer than it was before, because now it has a completely different meaning.

“Us” is tag teaming middle of the night cuddle sessions with a sick toddler, tracking down the last mini trampoline in town just in time for her birthday, eyes filled with joyful tears when we look at the heartbeat on the ultrasound machine- for the second time, “us” created a miniature miracle.

I’m not sure what “us” will look like in the future, as we navigate the ins and outs of potty training, soccer practice, math homework, first dances, drivers licenses and graduations- but, I know that through every trial, joy, and milestone, we will grow closer together, the way that we have since before that first Valentine’s Day.

Someday you will walk our little girl down the aisle, or straighten our son’s tie before he greets his bride- someday we will cradle our baby’s babies in our arms, and I will look back at this time, these days where I cannot imagine possibly loving you more, and realize that I had no idea how much room I held in my heart.

This Valentines Day, you will have a girl on (in) each arm and I will struggle to find something that fits my quickly expanding belly. We won’t eat sushi or drink champagne, and we will probably choose a restaurant based on the quality of their kid’s menu.

We will make time for just you and I later in the week, but the day that we celebrate love, we will choose to spend as a family, because “us” is so much more “us” with all of us.

Related Article: The Story of Home

Allie Garcia son yedi y?ld?r özel e?itim alan?nda ö?retmen, ak?l hocas? ve çevrimiçi e?itmen olarak çal??t?. Özel e?itim alan?nda yüksek lisans derecesine sahiptir ve Clark County Okul Bölgesi'nde Y?l?n Yeni Ö?retmeni ödülüne lay?k görülmü?tür. Ocak 2014'te bebe?i Mila Skye'nin do?umuyla hayat? sonsuza dek de?i?ti. Allie ço?u gün Henderson, Nevada'da çocuk bezi de?i?tirirken, mutfakta dans partileri verirken ve tatl? kocas? ve ç?lg?n köpek yavrusu ile yürümeye ba?layan çocuk maskaral?klar?na gülerken bulunabilir.

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