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Creative Child

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Harrisville Designs, Inc.

What makes us different?

Harrisville Designs Award-Winning Friendly Loom™ Products are designed and made by weavers, spinners, and woodworkers.  The 100% Pure Wool yarns used in these products are spun in our mill located in Harrisville, NH where woolen yarns have been spun since 1790.  Encourage life long skills with our educational products suitable for both children and adults.  Give your child the best materials to work with so they can be proud of what they make.

We developed the first of our Friendly Loom™   Products in the 1980's in response to a growing demand from educators and parents concerned with introducing "hands on" creative activities to children and teenagers.  Our products are designed to provide fun, challenging, educational experiences while developing concentration, fine and gross motor control and a better understanding spatial relationships and patterning.

In this past paced world where children are being forced to grow up too quickly, we believe that it is essential to help them slow things down and experience their creative abilities by introducing them to the joys of working with their hands.  As educators and parents, one of our most important challenges is to encourage the development of self-esteem and self-confidence.

For a child to be able to say "I made this myself", the pride in the achievement is not only felt in that child's mind and heart, it is presented in a tangible form by something beautiful and practical to own or give as a gift.  We hope that you will find Harrisville Designs' Friendly Loom™   Products useful for helping children discover the excitement of the creativity that is within them.

Products by Harrisville Designs, Inc.

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