babyMaternity Magazine
Creative Child

Rebecca Eanes

Rebecca Eanes is the bestselling author of multiple books including Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide, The Positive Parenting Workbook, and The Gift of a Happy Mother. She is the grateful mom of two boys. 


Articles by Rebecca

Your Baby’s Developing Self-Image

When was the last time you looked at a baby and wondered about his self-image?

Toddler-Safe Sensory Bins

11 Superb Spring Sensory Bins for Babies and Toddlers

Sensory play has many benefits. Babies and small children use their senses to explore and learn about the world around them. The more we can engage their senses of smell, sight, hearing, touch, and taste as well as body awareness and balance, the more they learn and the better they grow. Goodstart Early Learning senior occupational therapist Sally Fitzgerald says that providing opportunities for children to actively use their senses as they explore their world through ‘sensory play’ is crucial to brain development as it helps to build nerve connections in the brain’s pathways. This leads to a child’s ability to complete more complex learning tasks and supports cognitive growth, language development, gross motor skills, social interaction and problem solving skills. (Source)

35 Calming Techniques for Moms

If you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, anger, irritability, or over-stimulation, these techniques will help you gain control of your emotions and calm down fast. The bonus of being able to manage your emotions well is that you teach your children to manage theirs in the process. You can even share this list with your child and perhaps do some of the techniques together.

No More Mom Shaming

It seems we’re losing our ability to communicate with one another compassionately. We value our own choices and the right to defend them over other human beings.

The Lessons My Children Taught Me

I’ve taught my children many, many things in my decade of parenting, but the lessons they’ve taught me are far greater and more valuable than I ever expected.

Trying to Conceive? Chart Your Cycle

Timing is everything! It’s very helpful to know which days you are most fertile when you’re trying to get pregnant, and charting your cycles can help you figure out when the best time to have sex is. Generally speaking, the menstrual cycle is 28 days (or so).

When Your Breastfeeding Baby Bites

You’re nursing your sweet baby when suddenly ouch!! She bites! What can a mom do to stop this from happening?

Healthy Meal Ideas for Pregnancy

If you’re expecting, good nutrition is essential for your developing baby and for your own pregnancy meal plan. Here are simple and healthy meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for busy moms-to-be.

Gentle Sleep Tips

Exhausted parents around the globe are looking for ways to help their babies sleep better and longer, but many don’t want to resort to sleep training, which is often associated with allowing babies to cry-it-out alone in their cribs. Fortunately, there are other, gentler, options that can help babies and parents get the sleep they need.

11 Fun Things to Do When You’re Pregnant

So, you’re pregnant! You are positively glowing! This will be an amazing time that you’ll never forget. You’ll have lots of planning and preparing to do, but don’t forget to have fun along the way!

10 Baby Keepsakes and Traditions

When you think of keepsakes for your child, you may think of the traditional baby hair lock, a scrapbook or pair of bronzed baby shoes. Here is a list of 10 unique baby keepsakes that parents will enjoy for a lifetime.

6 Tips for Thriving When You Have a Newborn

So, that baby is finally in your arms! Congratulations on the arrival of your little love. There is nothing so wonderful and exhausting as new motherhood.

To the Mom Who is Too Hard on Herself

Dear Mom Who Is Too Hard On Yourself. Motherhood isn’t just about raising children. Motherhood is where you, yourself, are raised up to your highest potential, if you’re open to it; if you listen.

25 Ways to Bond with Your Newborn

Building a secure connection with your newborn is extremely important. However, bonding with your newborn isn’t always an instant, magical occurrence. Here are 25 ways to facilitate that bond.

Getting Off On the Right Foot: Positive Parenting Tips for New Moms

Most people talk about positive parenting in terms of gentle, respectful discipline, so you’re probably not thinking of that just yet. While that is a part of the philosophy, positive parenting begins on day one because it’s about the relationship you intentionally develop with your child. Honestly, discipline will come easier when your baby becomes a toddler if you build a great relationship and learn the basics of positive parenting now.

Communicating With Baby

Your baby’s first year is an exciting time of astounding growth! She’ll learn how to sit, roll, stand, crawl, walk, and communicate! There is a lot you can do to not only help her learn to communicate with you better, but to communicate with her in a way that makes her feel safe, secure, and loved. This positive two-way communication is the beginning of a life-long relationship – and way of relating – between you and your child.

Communicating With Baby

Infants communicate with crying, sounds, and nonverbal cues such as smiles and grimaces, movements such as kicking their legs, and gestures like pointing, nodding, and shaking their heads. Babies also communicate with squeals, laughter, and babble! Here are some tips to encourage communication with your baby!

5 Habits That Make Parenthood Easier

Raising children is no easy task. The habits we form now have a great impact on how our future days will go. Read these five positive parenting habits that are created to make parenthood easier and more joyful.

The Changing Seasons of Motherhood

I remember the season when I had two tiny ones under my feet all day long, and the days were long. It was a season filled with wild emotions, exhaustion, unbelievable joy, discovery, and what felt like a never­-ending marathon of diaper changes.

Preparing Children for a New Sibling

Welcoming a new baby into the family is an exciting time. It can also be a difficult transition for your older children. Here are some tips for making the transition to big brother or big sister easier.
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